
Showing posts from 2020


i dream of limburgse vlaai crumbs in the corners of my mouth and my hair smells of lavender because i can't sleep. wet bike tires cut through puddles and there were no thoughts in my head: nothing to say, nothing to account for. i find myself wanting to go back rather than forward, to have you hold me a little longer in that small bed even if there are tears even if it hurts at least it hurt. i used to spill all over the streets, warming my stomach with beer and loving everything so hard that i would fall over like a spinning top. but tossing in this big bed reminds me that when i come back i will have so much to say, so much to account for. you will open your arms and try to hold it all; it will throw you off balance and i'll just laugh and catch you. And I remember she used to fall down a lot That girl was always falling  Again and again - The Cure

Cheap and see through

my love for you is like a newborn drifting off to sleep - easy, often. before you i was always tired but still now my head likes to deflate slowly like a dollar store helium balloon. "white Godiva, I unpeel" when i say i love you i wasn't born yesterday i'm just see through